Brevard Indo-American Medical and Dental Association

Saravana and Sathi Rajan Donate $20,000 to Florida Tech’s Scott Center

Newsroom, Florida Tech's Official News Source

The Scott Center For Autism Treatment

From left, Sunil Rajan, T. Dwayne McCay, Michael Kelley, Sathi Rajan, Dr. Saravana Rajan, Anthony J. Catanese, Dr. Sharad Vyas, Rekha Vyas and Glad Kurian celebrate Saravana and Sathi Rajan's $20,000 donation to the Scott Center for Autism Treatment.

MELBOURNE, FLA. — Dr. and Mrs. Saravana and Sathi Rajan have donated $20,000 to the Scott Center for Autism Treatment at Florida Institute of Technology.

Saravana Rajan came to Brevard County in 1975 to work as a cardiologist. Now retired, he and Sathi Rajan, who was educated in biology and business at schools in their native India and at University of Central Florida in Orlando, made the donation in loving tribute to their grandson, Rohan Shaan Rajan. The 10-year-old has autism.

The intent of the gift is to enhance the Scott Center’s treatment and research efforts.

Dr. Rajan is a member of BIMDA, the Brevard Indo-American Medical and Dental Association. Glad Kurian, who is the co-founder and honorary executive director of BIMDA, as well as a Florida Tech alumnus, was instrumental in coordinating the donation, noted Mary Beth Kenkel, dean of Florida Tech’s College of Psychology and Liberal Arts.

The donation was presented at the BIMDA gala in April.

“This generous gift will allow more children to receive the benefits of our highly effective behavioral services while supporting ongoing efforts to develop and implement the cutting-edge approaches to autism treatment that have defined the Scott Center’s excellence since its founding,” Kenkel said.

The gift comes as the university continues its Create the Future Campaign. Launched in January 2013, this is a $100 million initiative with one goal firmly in mind: to secure the financial resources for Florida Tech to become one of the ten most respected technological universities in the world.